NDIS for Service Providers
Service Providers Love Planability
“Plan Manage Assist (PMA) previously used an inhouse system to push batches of claims into PRODA, which was cumbersome and time-consuming. After seeing the potential benefits of real-time claims, in July 2021 PMA took a leap of faith and became an early adopter of Planability.From the outset it was clear that this was the right decision for PMA…
Planability has significantly reduced NDIS data processing time for our plan managers, allowing us to grow the participant ”
Issues Service Providers Face Today
Plan Management is a truly complex business, with a unique business model. With fixed per participant charges, success is measured by the overall efficiency of process. Whether you are a sole trader running Plan Management as part of a broader business or a dedicated company running thousands of participants, the ability to service your participants is impacted by the complexity of the NDIS process. Additionally, NDIS audits are now adding to that complexity, as current activities are paused in order to meet audit requests. All this is adding strain to already stretched resources and ultimately impacts the profitability and even viability of Plan Management as a business.
At the same time, the NDIA has forecast significant growth rates of the program over the coming years. The latest data from NDIS indicates a 27% year on year growth in paid supports to participants compared to a 16% growth of participants in the scheme. This data indicates that the number of participants is growing but, more importantly, that the number/size of claims per participant is also increasing- meaning an ever-increasing workload on Plan Managers.
On top of this data, NDIA has indicated a preference to transition NDIA managed participants to external Plan Managers as well as a drop off in self-managed plans in favour of Plan Managers.
All this represents a great opportunity for Plan Managers looking to grow their participants under plan but also indicates increases in workload across the industry.
A need for change
Whether you are looking for participant growth or focused on managing your current workloads, these growth statistics suggest change is need to offset the increasing workload.
“Point of Service”

Point of Service App
Claims processing
Plan Management Software that:

Service Provider software that:
“Improving choice”
for participants

Online Marketplace
Giving Service Providers back time to care…
Our Focus with Planability
Giving Service Providers back time to care
We have dedicated the last three years to developing a platform that reduces the complexity for Plan Managers with one underlying aim- to improve the efficiency of plan administration- and reduce the time Plan Managers spend administering plans!
Automation and simplification
Planability has been designed to bring a more logical and simplified approach to plan administration! Our interface is therefore easy to embed in your operations, with minimal training and development for new team members.
Automation of processes helps your Plan Management team to improve efficiencies, reduce the human risk factors and provide improved service to all links in the NDIA chain, including Participants, Services Providers, Carers and Support Co-ordinators. We have seen this positively impact Plan Managers through reduced inbound service enquiries and complaints , further freeing time for the team as well as significant increases in new participant referrals driving business growth.
Increasing Service Providers Value-Add for future growth
At Credability systems, we see Plan Management at the heart of a successful NDIS. Planability has been designed to firstly reduce the administrative overhead for plan management teams, but we are also keenly focused on helping Plan Managers to grow their business!
We are developing solutions around Planability that enable true value creation for other stakeholders across the NDIS. Our Playability and MarketPlace platforms are only available through Planability and provide exceptional value add to both participants and their carers as well as to the services providers you work with.
This ultimately means participants, their carers, and service providers will all gain improved offerings through “Planability enabled” plan managers!
What sets us apart
Our aim for Planability is very simple- One solution for all your plan management requirements- imagine a world where you can achieve all your work requirements from a single interface- no more logging into Proda/My Place Portal, no need for complex spreadsheets and sticky notes! Just one simple management interface that saves you time and takes stress out of your day!
- No more My Place Portal
- No more .csv file uploads
- No more Rejected Claims
- No more payment reconciliations
- No more batch files
You don’t have to imagine, you just have to make a decision….
Real-time instantaneous data processing
Planability currently leverages 18+ API connects- linking directly into PRODA so you gain 100% visibility and consistent accuracy in your activity! No more questioning the veracity of participant budgets, no more bulk file uploads, rejected invoices or reconciling batch payments. Receive notifications when a plan changes or a new plan is implemented.
Real-time data processing brings sanity to the complex NDIS practice.
With Planability, invoices remain intact throughout the ingestion process, and a physical copy of the invoice is attached to the data. This provides greater transparency of process in general but also improves future audit processes.
Built-in CRM functionality
We designed Planability to become your central point of truth.
- Capture detailed notes and create strong audit trails at every interaction across the NDIS chain- no more sticky notes!
- Automate communications, reporting and monthly charges across the business. Whether its your monthly participant reports, notifications of new plans or warnings around current plans, Planability removes manual processes, giving you back time but also reducing the risk of human error impacting your participants lives.
Built-in error & fraud detection
We use “Guardrails” to help minimize risk and error from invoice ingestion to Service Provider payment and notification. Planability does the background checks for you- checking pricing against the latest pricing catalogues, ensuring charges are within acceptable levels, making sure funds are available, even quarantining funds associated with provider service agreements! Planability minimizes Plan Management Risk.
Extensive Reporting
Let’s face it, NDIA audits are the new normal and Plan Managers need to account for the impact of audits on your business. Planability’s combination of CRM functionality, error and fraud detection as well as our extensive reporting capacity, strengthens your ability to respond quickly and decisively to audit requests. Combine that reporting with quick access to specific invoices instantly, ensures you can get back to business faster.
What this means for Service Providers
The Benefits of time savings and risk reduction
The benefits are simple- in an industry that operates on set fees per participant, time is the most important factor to success. But we also recognize the significant demands placed on Plan Managers and the stress of the complexities of the role. Our automation and simplification of solution is designed to improve your day-to-day wellbeing- by removing stress and risk!
Planability gives you back time to care!
“Plan Manage Assist (PMA) previously used an inhouse system to push batches of claims into PRODA, which was cumbersome and time-consuming. After seeing the potential benefits of real-time claims, in July 2021 PMA took a leap of faith and became an early adopter of Planability.
From the outset it was clear that this was the right decision for PMA…”
John Collins – Managing Director – Plan Manage Assist
Other comments we have received include:
“Our business is now growing at 10% per month on Participants and most are coming from larger Plan Managers via recommendations from Service Providers.”
“Our complaints per day before Planability were 12-14 calls and now zero since fully on board with Planability.”
“We have reduced rejected invoices by 80%.”
“Planability has restored sanity to an otherwise complicated NDIS plan management process.”
The Return on Investment (ROI) figures are significant and compelling.
Risk Reduction for PMs
- We make it easy to transition to/from our platform- in our system your data is your data
We have also simplified the transition process for Plan Managers, with a simple data transfer process that allows you to quickly transition to Planability without impacting your business.
- Platform-based consumption model- no tie-ins
We remove the cost and risk out of your transition as well. With no set up or transition costs and a risk-free consumption model, our clients transition at their speed, meaning you can really put us to the test prior to making a commitment to your move.
- Improve your audit trails when NDIA Auditors come knocking
Respond quickly and comprehensively to audit requests with Planability using our detailed reporting and built-in CRM functionality. Because our invoices remain intact in the system, with a copy of the actual invoice and notes attached, you can access and respond to detailed audit requests quickly and get back to your key role.
- Error and Fraud Detection
Our data entry guardrails connect into current pricing catalogues, service agreements, and plans meaning errors in data entry are reduced. The system also checks Service Provider ABN’s against the national ABN database to ensure the integrity of invoice. Planability also provides warnings around Invoice number replication as well as invoice duplication. The system also quarantines funds tied to Service Agreements removing the risk of overspend for participants.
Certainty, focus and clarity = consistency… and Your Sanity!
Feeling the constant pressure of Plan Management? Do you struggle with long workdays trying to stay in front of an ever-increasing workload and dread the potential of an audit that will set you back days in operation? Do you wake up at night wondering what you may have missed or forgotten to complete?
Planability brings Sanity back to Plan Management! See for yourself…
Creating Additional Value for Plan Managers
The Credability Systems team is introducing new product extensions to Planability that will help our Plan Managers add significant extra value to all other stakeholders in the NDIS chain! This additional value creation will help our Plan Managers to stand out in the industry will support your growth plans.
Payability enables “Same-Day Payments” of claims to Service Providers by leveraging our real-time claims approval within Planability coupled with our Financial Services extension. While not all Service Providers will want or need this facility, many have indicated their desire to improve payment turnaround times.
Currently, Service Providers are waiting 3-7 days for Plan Managers to approve and pay their invoices. The real-time claims capability in Planability enables these transactions to be verified and claimed in minutes.
Plan Managers normally wait to receive the funds from the NDIS before releasing payment. Payability bridges the payment by paying the Service Provider as soon as the claim is approved and then collects the funds from the Plan Manager following NDIA payment completion.
Service Providers pay a small bridging surcharge to have their invoices paid the same day.
Payability scans the invoice and prepares and presents the claim as a priority payment for the Plan Manager to process. Plan Managers are not charged for Payability scans
Same-Day Payments will encourage Service Providers to promote Planability Plan Managers to their participant base while participants under management will also benefit through the model.
Another extension to Planability, MarketPlace, allows participants, and their carers, greater flexibility in choosing products and services by offering them a broader choice of capable providers. The provision of a MarketPlace improves access to care and ultimately delivers greater “Bang for Buck” across participant budgets. The MarketPlace also helps Supports Coordinators in creating budgets and provides Plan Managers with greater spending control- all while supporting the participants themselves to feel more in control of their support.
MarketPlace can leverage Payability for product purchases, which greatly reduces the impact of process on product dispatch. Online purchasing is well known for lowering product costs but excessive delays in claims processing under the NDIS has impacted the use of online purchasing.
Our platform approach reduces product dispatch timeframes, from 7-10 days in many instances, down to a consistent twenty-four (24) hour product dispatch!
This represents exceptional value creation for your participants!